Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What the hell was I thinking????

Get up extra early this morning because I wanted to take the 6:15 a.m. (yep - that's morning folks) spin class that I hear is incredible. Drag poor Marc out of bed, run to the gym, get to class to try out the new bikes and then got my ass thoroughly kicked by Judy the awesome Spin instructor. Not only did she have incredible kick ass music but she had an incredible energy about her. Yelling "go go go" and "you're doing great!" At one point she was yelling "Pick it up, Pick It Up, you've got it!" I opened my eyes (I usually have my eyes closed when I spin) and she was looking right at me. I was in the front to her side - no one was near me so I know it she was talking to me which just made me triple my efforts. Oh, and if that's not enough abuse for one morning... Marc has the car today because Mom is picking me up after work to go for facials. I walk outside, feel a slight breeze so I say to myself Fuck the taxi - I'll walk 2 miles to work. By the time I got to the office, I was drenched in sweat.


  1. You go girl! I've never done a spin class but right now I'm so unfit I don't think I could walk the two-miles without getting winded!

  2. Ugh. I've done the brisk summer walk between customer sites before and having to be at work while you're sweaty sucks.

  3. Crap, you're making ME tired.
    That is wonderful though!

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Way to go! That is so awesome. Doesn't exercise just make you feel so much better afterwards? It's tough to get started but once you're done, wow.

  5. Good one Julie. Drenched in sweat is no way to start the day.

    Enjoy your facial.

  6. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Sounds like you got a great workout. Sorry that you ended up at work drenched. That is no way to start a day!

  7. Ummm. . . yeah, what were you thinking (just kidding). You kick some serious butt girl!


  8. So, did you torture yourself this morning too??? I don't know what you were thinking yesterday, but I am impressed! I'm hoping a little of your motivation wears off on me!

  9. I've recently become a spinaholic. It is the most awesome workout!

  10. What the hell is a spin class?? Do they spin you round in circles and watch you go all dizzy? It sounds like cruel and unusual punishment to me.

  11. You go woman. Just the description of that class makes me tired. And hungry. hmm... what's in the fridge..
