Monday, June 06, 2005

Paranoid Much????

So I was just checking out my sitemeter to see who's been cruising my blog and I see a URL that says Ok, if you are reading this and you work for the US courts, please don't be offended but that totally freaked me out. I got to thinking - what if someone who is reading this has some kind of say in my adoption process and then they look back and see me fling the "c" word around with abandon. AACCCKKK Admit it adoption people, would that freak you out or am I just being a paranoid freak?


  1. I swear, it's not me from - - but (very major expose about to happen) I do happen to work in a court. And believe me, we in the courts go through the same god-awful crap you do. So, no worries about the C word, the F word or any other choice lettered word. We (gov workers) totally understand. And, speaking for myself at least, with all the governmental budget cuts of late, we are all far too overworked to try to match swearing bloggers to adoption paperwork!

    Hugs, Zeeks

  2. It's not me either, but I would be totally freaked out too. I can only imagine the stress that you go through with the adoption process and then you have to worry about urls from the courts, yikes.

    Hopefully it's just a fellow IF soldier needing a brief respite from work.

  3. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I say the F word a lot and I have wondered if the agency or SW surfs looking for blogs!! If they do - I may be in trouble.....

  4. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I'm thinking you don't need to be freaked out -- truthfully it wouldn't have freaked me out. :) My social worker knew I had a blog but I don't think she ever read it. She was fascinated by all the people I "knew" though. And she was way too busy to stalk me or anything. :D

  5. Anonymous1:49 PM

    It might have been me (or my co-worker). Don't worry though, I'm not going to mess up your adoption. I happen to be in the process of adopting from Guatemala also. I noticed your blog on Fertility Challenged, who happens to be a friend of my co-worker, and on a yahoo group for families adopting from Guatemala (I'm not sure which one - I've joined so many!) so I thought I'd check it out. Good luck!


  6. hehehe - Hey Caroline - Stay in touch please :) I love chatting with other prospective adoptive Moms.

    I was just teasing a bit. Hope you werent' offended.
