Thursday, March 17, 2005

Creaking up the first hill.....

Our roller coaster ride has begun and we sit in our little car, strapped in, not really knowing how high this hill is or how fast things will go, we are just excited to be sitting in these little seats. I spoke w/the organization that does the home study last night. It doesn't seem to be as horrible an experience as I thought it may be. The lady I spoke with (who was very sweet) said that it consists of a home visit (to check out our digs), an interview with us as a couple and then an interview with each of us individually. She said the longest part of the process is the finger prints and child abuse background checks. The whole process takes anywhere from 6-8 weeks. Then we wait for our referral. I really want to take a Spanish class.


  1. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I am impressed with how quickly you and your husband move once you decide on a course of action. We agonized for so long re: TTC#1 and we still agonize- should we keep doing IF stuff for TTC#2 or should we just move on to adoption? I've been on a Russian adoption listserv for six months and I'm still not ready to go there. It really is incredible to think you could be parents six months from now given where you were a month ago. It is exciting!

  2. Goodness, that is fast!

    Thanks for your comment earlier; I'm delighted that you're linking to me and I have linked to you as well. Looking forward to reading all about you and your adoption experience.


  3. I think Blogger may have eaten my last comment, so I'll try again...

    Best of luck on the homestudy and everything else. Lightspeed ahead!


  4. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Hi, over here from Cecily's blog..I'm adopting too...Best of luck to you!!
