Thursday, January 26, 2006

Stupid Human Tricks

I don't' have any tattoos. Neither does Marc. It's against the Jewish religion to have tattoos. I know some Jews have them but we don't. We both, however, do have friends who have them and I do enjoy seeing nice tattoos on people. But every now and then you see something that makes you say.... WHAT THE FUCK???? *Edited to remove apostrophes - thanks grammar police :)


  1. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Who ARE these people?? If some guy showed up on my doorstep trying to give me a tattoo, I think I'd kick him, not invite him in and let him stick me with who knows what!

  2. They can reproduce and we can't! What is wrong with the universe?

  3. OK, how stupid do you have to be???

  4. Wow. Just... wow.

  5. LOL...I saw this on the news and all I could think was, "if you let a door to door "salesman" give you a tatoo....don't you deserve what you get?"

  6. Anonymous1:54 AM

    She's lucky that all she got was a bad tattoo -- he could have been a rapist or a murderer. Hmmm. Always amusing to see how stupid some people can be. As for the tattoo, what is it supposed to be? It's "illegible" to me. :-)

  7. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Being from South Georgia, this should not surprise me, but it really does! Too Funny!!


  8. Wow. Really. I have to agree, you sorta get what you get with a door to door tattoo salesman.

  9. Oh my. That's all I have to say.

  10. Anonymous2:29 PM

    How thick can you get? I mean... come on???? Are people really THAT STUPID? Apparently so!.. Hmmmmm what can I sell door to door>????
